It's aight. I'm trying to test that out as my new favorite phrase because Steph tells me that my current go-to answer, "I don't know" just isn't going to cut it anymore. If for some reason you were frozen through all of the late 90s and early 2000s, those two words mean, "It's alright" As with all phrases, you can use it in many ways. It could be pretty straight. For example if someone asked me about that new show, How to make it in America, the response would be a straight up "It's aight." If someone asked me about one of my new favorite shows, White Collar, I'd respond with an understated "It's aight" because I don't want to oversell a show that's basically a character (Bryce Larkin) from my other favorite show (Chuck), just being a badass. And if someone asked me "Yo,...