
Day 4 of France Trip 2010

Day 4 of France Trip 2010

Oooh and we have the Eiffel Tower! Day 4 allowed the opportunity to walk around Paris a little bit. The one thing I’ve come to know about Paris is that it’s huge compared to Manhattan. I suppose every single city in the U.S. has more square area compared to Manhattan. Here, I keep thinking that it’s possible to walk everywhere… BUT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. I’m trying to get used to the metro. There’s this stop on a line (hell I don’t know which one!), called Concord, and you get out and there’s huge buildings all over the place. In Paris, sometimes you get the impression that the city is majestic. Somehow that’s not an adjective I’d ever use to describe NYC. And I like that.

On the way to the Dome Church, I ate a croissant! My first in the city. Steph and I found a place called La Fougasse. I had read about it on The Pufflist. I’d say it was a pretty good croissant, and it’s just one of those things you know? Eating a croissant in Paris or eating a bagel in NYC. It just feels right.

Then I walked around a little bit more and what do ya know! Ended up at the Eiffel Tower. Funny how that works. haha. It must be what it’s like for NY tourists to see things like the Empire State Building for the first time. You really don’t get sick of taking pictures of the tower from all kinds of different angles.

Just like the Empire State Building, the wait to go up the Eiffel Tower is looooong. Just be prepared to wait if you ever go. The lines are full of tourists and kids… omg the kids. They’re not built for waiting the hours it takes to get to the top. They’re loud, whiny, and rambunctious. But once you get to the top, the view is pretty fabulous. Paris looks amazing from a birds eye view, and I feel like from the top, the city looks very white. And flat. There’s no random 45 story condo popping up here and there…

After the Eiffel Tower, we were just tired as hell and had to refuel with some sweets. We ate some petit fours at a pastry shop. It was pretty good, but actually Steph and I thought you could probably find similar products at the higher end places in NYC. But somehow spending 7 euros on 7 little thingies don’t hurt as much when you’re on vacation. It still tasted good though so I guess the lesson is… spend more and you get more?

Then the best part of the day came because we ate more food, and food = great parts of the day. Sorry Eiffel Tower, food wins. Steph found this place called Alivi (27 rue du roi de sicile) from a site called Simon Says. This place served Corsican food and it was the bomb. It could probably be a two star restaurant in New York somewhere, although just for their food and atmosphere. The price is a little bit more than just a casual spot.

We started with a carafe of Corsican wine and charcutterie. Mmmm, this stuff was good. Charcutterie is like meat candy for me so this was naturally very delicious.

I had the dorad with risotto and Steph had the veal stew. I’m not sure which parts of these two plates was Corsican but I know both were really good. Like I said, worthy of a two star restaurant in NYC so it’s good. We also had some cheese for dessert and the server told us that it’s cheeses made in Corsican villages so they don’t have names. The cheeses were really mellow and went down easily for a cheese amateur like me.

There are so many old and historic buildings that’s used for museums around France. They also have a really great looking building that’s used for City Hall. Just look at that… you can’t find that shit just anywhere! Steph and I walked around Paris at night and really… if you come, you oughtta do it too. The city just looks so beautiful at night. The lights… the huge historical monuments… it’s great.

Take a walk along the Seine if you get a chance… you get to see scenes like that picture. There’s a bunch of bridges along the river and apparently in the summer time, it’s full of people sitting there at night and taking in the beauty.

Notre Dame. Yea, buddy. Looks sick late at night. Fucking awesome yo.

Posted by Danny on April 14, 2010 at 9:15 am

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