Desserts posts on Food in Mouth
Lately wife and I have started a new routine of waking up around 6 AM, and I have to say, man it is hard to wake up early in the morning. I don’t know how some people do it. I’m hungry at 10:30 and constantly think about snacks. My brain now just thinks about pretzels and cookies and cake all day long. Props to the individuals who are productive and and wake up that early. Is there a trick? I mean, besides drinking coffee because normally I just drink tea. Since the semester started, I prefer to only use coffee as a study aid, since I need all the help I can get. But what I really wish is that I can somehow find a job where there’s free cupcakes at work, because that’ll solve all my problems…. [Continue reading]
September 16, 2014 at 10:55 am
Cafe Sabarsky is one of those dessert places that kind of wouldn’t get on your radar unless you’re looking for a place near The Met Museum, The Guggenheim museum, or if you live up in the Upper East Side. It’s certainly attracting a different crowd than the one at Smorgasburg. Most of the room looked like tourists, although not young ones. It’s a shame because the tortes there are pretty good. And while a slice might be $9 or so, it’s not a baby portion like at other downtown patisseries that sell things in the $6-7 dollar range in order to seem affordable…. [Continue reading]
August 12, 2014 at 11:44 am
For a while this year, I was really struggling with school. It was pretty difficult and much more stress than I had anticipated. Apparently there are other students that try hard and get grades and you gotta work hard to keep up with them. Damn immigrants. I’ve come to learn that with everything that requires a lot of effort, there has to be compromises. For example, spending time watching The Americans would take away from learning Python. So I gave up on that show. And spending time being Angry Danny took away from learning Flask. So I put that on hold for a while too. Compromises are everywhere you look. No time for an entire cake? Eat a cupcake. The ‘real’ cool folks make fun of the cupcake fanatics because it’s mostly either Asian girls who fancy themselves as Cinderella or a middle-aged suburban woman who bakes for the neighborhood watch and drives a mini-van. Apparently there are good and decent people who have fairy tale weddings, so let us not make fun of that. NOT. I still like the cupcake because most of the time I can’t eat an entire cake anymore. You can’t let the fanboys/girls out there ruin a perfectly reasonable thing. Don’t let the haters on cupcakes ruin it for you either. Because it’s wrong to eat a cupcake, but perfectly OK to open a food court in NYC to sell $12 chicken rice as affordable because he’s a millionaire now. Yea. THAT is completely cool…. [Continue reading]
June 23, 2014 at 12:37 pm
Apparently America really knows how to make cars, according to this commercial. But while American might be good at building metal coffins, this great country does lack the legacy of having deeply root traditions in desserts. American desserts seems to be mostly a two headed monster, with one being cookies and the other being pies. French desserts seem to have a longer history and a world of variety that is more interesting than switching one one flavor of Nestle morsels for another or substituting apples for blueberries in a pie…. [Continue reading]
April 15, 2014 at 3:41 pm
I like cupcakes and I don’t think it says anything negative about me. At least I go to bed, wake up, and know that I’m not friends with Ted Nugent. But somehow, the food writing elite have somehow won this war on cupcakes and liking them means you should look in the mirror and be mortified if you know lyrics to the latest Miley Cyrus song. But we let those whose pen can waltz between liberal guilt and the backwards thinking of being super open minded, to justify being friends with racist bigots. And then we give him a CNN show. Dance a jig people. Whoopity doo da day. You know what cupcakes are? They are functional. Cupcakes are actually delicious. Cupcakes are like small cakes. Cakes are good! In the food world where we rail against obesity and unnatural additives in food that are found in yoga mats, maybe a cupcake ain’t so fucking bad after all. You know?… [Continue reading]
March 14, 2014 at 3:27 pm
One thing that’s nice about New York is that it’s possible to get restaurant-level desserts without going to a restaurant. Dominique Ansel… [more]
October 22, 2015 at 1:12 am
We went to check out the new-ish Whitney Museum by the Meatpacking District the other week. The weather was gorgeous and you could see the Freedom Tower… [more]
October 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm
The long goodbye is always the hardest. And while school happens and time passes, we still have to find ways to pass the time, and to fill our bellies…. [more]
October 9, 2015 at 1:03 am
At some point in my life, instead of going to the school that was a five minute bike ride away from my house, I got bussed into an inner city school… [more]
October 1, 2015 at 1:22 am
One of the benefits of marrying someone who is very different from me is that there are new food items to grow to love. Kouign Amann is a buttery pastry… [more]
September 30, 2015 at 1:54 am