Eating leftovers and musings of a misogynist
Leftovers are a big part of my life. Usually they represent an opportunity for me to eat my roommates food that they don’t want anymore. There have been many times when my roommate’s like, “I won’t be here this weekend, you should eat that.” And there’s been many times when my sister’s like, “That’s mine, don’t touch it.” And I eat it anyway. It’s kind of a problem. I also found out this year that it’s not a global phenomenon. The whole idea of a doggy bag? Doesn’t exist in France. Good thing I live in New York! The leftovers you see in the picture is bibimbap from KTown. As far as I’m concerned, the variance of bibimbap deliciousness in NYC Ktown is pretty low. You could get nearly the same level of rice and root vegetable enjoyment no matter which place you go.
The version you see here was served in a hot clay pot, but I ate the leftovers cold. Some people aren’t so into leftovers, much less cold leftovers. I really love the versatility of leftovers though. Sometimes you wake up and you’re late to work, so you just grab a tupperware of whatever. Pasta, chinese take-out, or whatevers and you just microwave it real quick and eat it on the go. It’s truly an amazing thing. What? You don’t eat pasta for breakfast? Well… think of it as oatmeal, except savory and has tomatoes in it. Do you only eat breakfast foods for breakfast? Or is leftovers ok?
Since it’s Friday, I figure it’s a good time to get away from talking about food. Before I do that, here’s some videos about food… This week I saw two cool videos about food. Here is one about bread by Peter Reinhart. And here’s another by Jennifer 8 Lee. Both are pretty good. Jennifer 8 Lee’s is slightly more amusing and goes into some history about General Tso’s chicken and the fortune cookie.
This week I’ve been thinking about how to make this blog more useful. Nothing really came to my mind until I saw this post at the Feed Bag. And there it was, Grub St, Feed Bag, and Eater all in one picture. What do they all have in common? That’s right, facial hair. All successful people have facial hair. The even have contests about who can keep growing it the longest.
As you can imagine, this kind of discovery made me inordinately giddy. Unlocking the secrets to blogging is like finding an unicorn that tastes like bacon. In a failed attempt at web 2.0 speak, this was an epic FTW. I thought, “I too, shall grow facial hair.” And then it dawned on me… WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW AN ASIAN GUY WITH A BEARD?! Really. When??!!
I will just settle for dining with a blogging superstar and a world class mixologist instead.
And this week Gael Greene said that all the critics should stop drinking haterade about Alice Water’s snooty open letter to Obama. Apparently I’m a ‘toxic misogynist’ for hating on Alice Waters. It just so happens that she’s the most prominent person in the whole eat local movement, but to suit Ms. Greene, I’ll switch to hating on Dan Barber. I don’t give a fuck. I still say it’s way more important to have a goal of feeding everyone as opposed to a goal of making sure we eat local and sustainable. Honestly, I don’t even know why you would choose the eating local over the feeding everyone idea.
Yes, Gael Greene and Alice Waters and Dan Barber probably all do lots of charity work to help raise money to feed the hungry. It just strikes me as odd to champion more expensive food even though they know charity work is important. They have so much influence and they insist on having the reputation as being ground breakers to get Americans to eat better. How about making sure all Americans have something to eat?
Posted by Danny on January 30, 2009 at 5:07 pm
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