
Midtown posts on Food in Mouth

Midtown posts on Food in Mouth

When I was in high school and the first few years of college, the dominant instant messaging system in the U.S. was called AIM, which stood for AOL Instant Messenger. If you have no goddamn clue what AOL means, I hate you. Stop being so hip. But one of the features of AIM was that it was an extension off of regular AOL because the chat feature was actually what was most popular about it. Anyway, AIM had this thing where you could post a tiny text ‘profile’ or whatever you want like quotes or whatever. And I would always think I was this great emo (before emo was a word, even though now it’s not anymore) shit and wrote my own un-pithy quotes about life. As a thirty-something now, the only un-pithy thing that I really want to write on my ‘profile’, which is now a blog that only my family and friends read, is that I finally found the one defining quote for me that I’m going to follow through the rest of my thirties: I am extraordinarily average, and its time to plan life accordingly…. [Continue reading]

January 7, 2015 at 2:01 am

If there’s one philosophy that I’ve adopted over the years when it comes to life, it’s this: fuck work. Yea yea, you gotta pay your bills, but generally work shouldn’t be taken so seriously unless you’re one of the select few that’s either rich or loves your job. Good for you asshole. But for the rest of us, I think it’s important to never leave your vacation days on the table. Too bad if your boss isn’t accommodating to you taking days off. Those days are yours, just fucking use them. How to use them is tough though. I have four days left for 2014 and I’m not sure whether to disperse them to have multiple three day weekends or just to have a really long weekend once? Decisions, decisions… Steph and I had already been to Ivan Ramen Slurp Shop in Gotham West Market, but I had never tried their rice bowls…. [Continue reading]

September 22, 2014 at 11:06 am

Oh man, I think I fucked up my phone. Got some water on that mofo and then the screen kept waking on its own, as if I kept repeatedly pressing the power button. Woo. When I first got the phone, it was like, “Damn, would I regret not getting a case?” Apparently I would regret not getting a case… Something I don’t regret is going to Buffalo Wild Wings. Yea yea, it’s a chain restaurant know for serving fried chicken wings with sauce. I know, it’s not like the most amazing thing ever but they have a lot of different sauces so at some point you can pick what you like in terms of spiciness. Granted, this is all coming from someone who actually appreciates Applebee’s, so take this with a grain of salt if you’re too good for chain restaurants…. [Continue reading]

September 9, 2014 at 11:04 am

These days I’m grappling with the idea that living somewhere with a garage and a backyard is the key to happiness in life. It’s a recurring theme really. Suburbia must be like a bad STD that just won’t go away. Anytime you feel safe, it just RAWR! One nice thing about New York City is that there’s no shortage of good places to eat steak. I’ve only tried a steakhouse twice in my years in the Big Apple, and both times were great. The first time was with friends a few years ago when we had this idea to eat dinner together at regular intervals. This second time was to try it with wifey because it was her first time. We went for lunch at Porterhouse New York to break wifey’s steakhouse cherry…. [Continue reading]

July 8, 2014 at 1:46 am

Apparently this week everyone is lining up for the special burgers at the shack. One time I went to King of Falafels cart in Midtown East and there were maybe fifteen people in line and I went elsewhere. But this past winter when it was a little rainy, I went and the line was only like five people and I finally got to try the King of Falafel. Of course I got like schwarma over rice instead of just falafel even though their name is King of Falafel… it was definitely a worthwhile lunch to get though…. [Continue reading]

June 14, 2014 at 9:29 pm

I am a dad now! It’s only been about a month, and it’s as surreal to write that now was it was when my son first came into the world. Being… [more]

February 29, 2016 at 2:27 am

For the food loving couple that’s hobbled by the exclamation of, “I’m getting too old for this,” there’s some usefulness in food courts…. [more]

January 10, 2016 at 1:12 am

When the semester cycles to an end, my brain basically cannot fit everything all in, and that’s why the blog has really suffered. My plan for the… [more]

December 31, 2015 at 8:39 pm

The other day wifey and I woke up at 3 am and took the train into the city. Weather had not yet turned cold. It wasn’t the kind of wind that would… [more]

November 30, 2015 at 9:54 pm

Sometimes wifey and I have serious adult conversations, such as when she told me a child at school had lice and we might have to comb each other’s… [more]

October 29, 2015 at 8:53 pm