Patisserie des Reves Review: Not wasting pastries from Patisserie des Reves
Lately I've been busy with some random maintenance on the blog, and now I'm going to finish up the Paris posts since they've gotta be written. I want to talk about this idea of food waste too, and I'll get to it at the end of the post, but keep that in your back pocket for now. Let's talk about Patisserie des Reves. If you want pastries in Paris and you're short on time, you would have no regrets placing this patisserie at the top of your to-eat list. It is simply one of the best pastry places in Paris. Steph and I only got two pastries because we actually were really good about portion control while eating in Paris. Don't ask me how, but I gained exactly zero pounds in France. It's kind of unbelievable considering I ate bread all the time, but there you...