
Food in Mouth

L'Ecole at The French Culinary Institute Review: L'Ecole and the New York Culinary Experience

I used to walk by the French Culinary Institute all the time when I lived down in Chinatown. It never occurred to me to eat at L'Ecole. Why? Who knows, maybe it was because I was young and in college, and fried chicken from a cart in Chinatown was enough sustenance. Or maybe it was because I studied computer science and it pained me to eat food that was prepared by individuals who pursued their dreams while I debugged while loops over and over and over...

My Wok

Howdy kids, we have another guest post today! Jonathan chimes in with a story about his shiny new wok! In case you missed it, last time Jonathan talked about cupcakes! Read on to find out more about his stir fry! The sun had started to set as I walked into the kitchen and hardware store just off Wentworth. The store was cramped and kitchen tools were piled and packed into the small space. Metal shelving divided the space into narrow claustrophobic aisles. Along the right wall, heaped from floor to ceiling, were the woks. Staring at the multitude of woks I thought, "this is why I am here; to find my wok." To the left of the aisle, more prominently displayed were the more expensive woks for the home cooks. These were well equipped with comfortable wooden or plastic handles. They were clean, shiny and often Teflon...