
Food in Mouth

DOH scores are amazing

You know, the Department of Health grades for New York City restaurants has been with us for over a year now, and I still don't know how we're supposed measure its success or failure. Let's take Per Se for example. It represents the holy grail of restaurants for many who enjoy fine dining, and like all the NYT four star restaurants, they have a grade of A from the DOH. Here's the thing, the DOH does graded and ungraded inspections from time to time, and they did an ungraded inspection of Per Se in December of 2011, and Per Se, which Sam Sifton called, "The best restaurant in New York City" just four months ago, got a score of 41. For those who count scores at home, anything higher than a score of 28 merits a C grade. They're not alone though. Everyone's favorite Sichuan take-out...

Tamales Lady

After a week of eating mashed potatoes every other day, and almost a week of eating at home, what better way to start off the Christmas shopping season than to eat tamales. Yea, you read that right. I have not had too many tamales in my lifetime, probably only tasted a couple. A couple of weeks ago I saw Midtownlunch post about the tamale lady in front of the Mexican Embassy and it looked too good to pass up. I originally thought perhaps it would be rough to communicate with her since the person in front of me ordered in Spanish, but things went smoothly. At first she told me she had two types of tamales (chicken and pork), and I replied that one of each would be great. Then she looked in her stash and then told me she had three: cheese, pork, and chicken....

Almondine Bakery Park Slope Review: Almondine in Park Slope

Last night Wii fit told me that I'm 45-years-old. As a 27-year-old, I'm not sure how to feel about this. And then the Wii fit told me that the optimum BMI is around 22 whereas mine is around 25. Whodda thunk it, a food blogger on the cusp of being listed as 'overweight'. If my mom is reading this now, she'll probably pick up the phone and call me in a minute to remind me not to eat too many hamburgers. Rest easy mom, I've only been eating french fries...

Eating Niu rou mein in Taipei

Visiting the mothership for the first time in nearly twenty years felt more emotional towards the end than in the beginning. At the start, there was just the concern about the typhoon that was about to blast the east coast of Taiwan in mid-July. The thing about Taiwan is that they get typhoons all the time and it's no big deal to them. The typhoon was set to arrive a few hours after our plane touched down, and actually the government told schools and businesses to go home early at 3pm that Friday. We had some dinner while the wind speeds were picking up, and throughout the night the island got battered with typhoon Soulik. In the morning, my uncle took Steph and me to eat some niu rou mein, or beef noodle soup. Most things weren't even open that Saturday morning, because people were mostly...