
Sandwiches posts on Food in Mouth

Sandwiches posts on Food in Mouth


One of the ways that I’ve come to accept new York prices lately has been the trick of telling myself that living here won’t last forever. $10 for a rice bowl? Sign me up! OK, so it was still one of the cheaper things at the food court but I thought it was actually very enjoyable. Maybe it’s just the Asian in me… you give me some rice and throw some random stuff on it with some meat protein and sauce and I’m a happy camper…. [Continue reading]

March 28, 2015 at 1:38 pm

I just saw David Chang in an Audi commercial while waiting for my NBA highlights to play online. It’s official that it makes sense for kids to grow up and want to be restauranteurs and chefs. That shit pays off. What else pays off is doing smoked meat sandwiches in New York City. Mile End Deli actually has been in Brooklyn for a while and even in it’s location in Noho for a while. But I had not written about because the first time I had their food, it was part of a whole day of gorging, and at the end I didn’t feel great. So a few years later, now I’m ready to talk about how awesome they are now…. [Continue reading]

April 28, 2014 at 9:59 pm


Yeaaaaaaah that Hurricane Sandy shit was wack. I wonder if the flooding and damage would cause people to move away from flood zone A, but a ton of people still live in Florida, and that state gets pounded every year no matter what. Hopefully people can use some of that FEMA money and rebuild stuff. It’s times like these that one really appreciates the Federal government. Hurray for FEMA. I’m sure Romney would cut FEMA and Big Bird though. Ugh, anyone who cuts big bird is no friend of mine. Like they say, it’s brought to you by the letters F and U. But back to the hard hits part of New York… Red Hook took it pretty tough with the flooding along with Staten Island and the parts of Brooklyn that’s near the coast. If you just check out Pete Wells’ twitter timeline, you can see there’s lots of different ways to help. When Red Hook gets up and running again, I definitely urge you to try to get to Red Hook Lobster Pound. They were one of the businesses hit hard by Sandy and they were slinging some of the best lobster rolls in all of New York City. It’s basically them and Luke’s. Red Hook Lobster Pound had a nice store down on Van Brunt Street that was decorated with cool lobster decorations…. [Continue reading]

November 5, 2012 at 9:59 pm


A side effect of looking for an apartment is that I realized I need more money (who doesn’t) and I can’t make decisions. It’s very un-Drapper to have those two qualities in New York City. Being indecisive actually led me to the topic of today’s post, which is a Mexican torta. I actually wanted to go to the library to borrow a book, but realized I didn’t have my library card… then I took the subway down to 34th st and then started to walk north looking for something… then I ended on 8th avenue almost at the New York Times building, and then I saw the store front for Rinconcito Mexicano…. [Continue reading]

April 12, 2012 at 7:41 pm


After six weeks of apartment search my body feels pretty battered. This is a combination of eating like a fat kid, and also not going to the gym. The result is simply not pretty. My tits have begun to sag. Jesus Christ. Thirty just doesn’t treat me as well as my twenties. Fucking A. I’ve begun to hate New York City just a tiny bit. Living here is as natural as eating chicken feet, and yet I can’t stop wondering about the possibilities of that shiny idea that many Americans love… Suburbs. The shit that I grew up to despise and shaped me to be this angry, suddenly has the appeal of brisket sandwiches. There’s just something about not having to struggle with housing that has tremendous appeal. As much as I love New York and its convenience, there are things that simply suck about this city. Let’s take the idea of, “Going out for a sandwich.”… [Continue reading]

April 11, 2012 at 6:10 pm


One thing that’s nice about New York is that it’s possible to get restaurant-level desserts without going to a restaurant. Dominique Ansel… [more]

October 22, 2015 at 1:12 am 21658048063_1f11ed8180_m-1569855

We went to check out the new-ish Whitney Museum by the Meatpacking District the other week. The weather was gorgeous and you could see the Freedom Tower… [more]

October 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm 22054624371_81a1ea7eee_m-5666163

The long goodbye is always the hardest. And while school happens and time passes, we still have to find ways to pass the time, and to fill our bellies…. [more]

October 9, 2015 at 1:03 am 21663635959_67571b6a96_m-8652808

At some point in my life, instead of going to the school that was a five minute bike ride away from my house, I got bussed into an inner city school… [more]

October 1, 2015 at 1:22 am 21204325583_d4c98aa584_m-3895768

One of the benefits of marrying someone who is very different from me is that there are new food items to grow to love. Kouign Amann is a buttery pastry… [more]

September 30, 2015 at 1:54 am