
Store bought Taro Ice Cream

Store bought Taro Ice Cream

Seeing how as my blog is much less about food and more about whatever the fuck I want to talk about, I’d like to take a moment and say that it’s quite unfair that Doogie Howser can be a doctor as a teenager, and go home and night and write something pithy in his DOS command-prompt journal. Meanwhile, I have no idea how to really look at my life. Thanks for giving me the inferiority complex, Neil Patrick Harris. But I try to fight on regardless of how 80’s TV shows screwed me up forever. What really helps is to stuff my face with ice cream (to the dismay of both my wife and my mother). The other day in Detroit I saw this brand of ice cream called Magnolia’s. They had both purple yam and taro, but we went with taro because it seemed like the safer choice.

When we got home, my mom remarked that the color of the ice cream was way too purple because real taro is kind of pale. And it’s true, on the ingredients list, near the bottom, there’s red #3, #40 and blue #1, #2. It’s possible that those food coloring ingredients were derived naturally, but it would be more natural to not use any food coloring for taro ice cream. But if you’re color blind or don’t care about the semi-unnatural color of the taro ice cream, what awaits you is a perfectly satisfying scoop of taro ice cream. The texture is creamier than most ice cream you’d find at a super market. But you normally wouldn’t find taro flavor at the local super market…

Meanwhile at home we’ve been trying out some new flavors of ice cream. Olive oil and Ear Grey have been attempted already. I realized that I can’t really taste tea flavor in ice cream. I wonder what else to try this week. I think if I can find some taro powder in Chinatown, that’s easy enough to make as well. I’m tempted to try peanut butter ice cream.

Also, can someone explain Pinterest to me? What the fuck is the appeal of book marking things that are interesting to you so that you can show it to other people. Yea, that’s right. I do not write better blog entries than a prepubescent closeted teen in an 80s tv show, but I need to find acceptance through other people acknowledging that my tastes in random shit is good. Yes. Bring it on. Who dreamed up this crap? Anyway, I guess it’s the new ‘it’ thing that’s just another thing I don’t use. I only like twitter because I’m self-involved. Do you really get to say everything you want to say by commenting on what you like?

Posted by Danny on May 30, 2012 at 7:10 pm

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