
Tacos posts on Food in Mouth

Tacos posts on Food in Mouth

Being out of your comfort zone sometimes is very useful, and a life completely in the comfort zone might not be so great. At least it won’t be full of as many tacos. I picked my job opportunities solely based on what’s comfortable and that’s why today I’m at a dead end with that shit. When NY Times 36 Hour article about Hudson Valley mentioned tacos, Steph and I thought it was a great occasion to go try it out after picking some fruit upstate. Tacos Uriel is located in Newburgh, NY. What the NY Times article doesn’t tell you is that not all towns along the Hudson valley are picturesque and just so lovely and full of quaint buildings, antique shops, and white picket fences. No, some towns along the Hudson are like places you wouldn’t voluntarily move to if you have the means to live somewhere else. Let’s just say Newburgh is ghetto, more specifically the area where Tacos Uriel is located is kinda sketch…. [Continue reading]

August 14, 2013 at 8:18 pm

On the way to a roof top bar a few weeks ago, Steph and I walked by a Mexican restaurant that had an A grade in the window. It reminded me of getting a torta from Rinconcito Mexicano because it seems that whenever you walk west of 8th avenue in Midtown, you start to get into better options for Mexican food. What I love about Ponche is that it bills itself as an authentic Mexican restaurant AND it has an A from the health department. How dare they upset my perception of the kind of grades a Mexican restaurant can receive? Seeing as I prefer my bunghole dry instead of wet, I thought it was worth a visit…. [Continue reading]

July 12, 2012 at 7:42 pm

Tehuitzingo Deli Grocery in Midtown is serving up some of the best delicious Mexican fare you can find in Manhattan. Going all the way to 10th avenue to find some tacos seems counter intuitive because good food is now all over Midtown. The reason you want to go to Tehuizingo is because just about any taco on their menu is good. During lunch time, the crowd has its share of Latinos and the eye-test would reveal that this place is authentic. Perhaps authenticity is overrated and unimportant. If the clientele can’t be used to categorize restaurants, I feel like what tastes good is subjective. Then what you can measure objectively would be a quantitatively comparison of one store versus another store, right? To that I say that almost any single Chipotle store outsells Tehuizingo. Blam…. [Continue reading]

July 18, 2011 at 7:16 pm

With social networking surrounding us day and night, sometimes it’s hard to run out of things to say. Between blogging, twitter, facebook, tumblr, and god knows what else, the options are endless. In the end, social media is marked by the things you cannot say as opposed to the things you can say, and how easy it is to say it. When it comes to diets, it’s all too easy to be shaped by restrictions in what one can eat. Sometimes it’s the things you can’t say and the foods you’re not supposed to be eating that truly shape or haunt you. There probably aren’t many dieters accepting that tacos belong in the dieting food group. It does and should. For those really strict on their diets (not me), they would be able to at least try one taco at Tacombi in Soho. They have this cactus taco that’s $4 (all their tacos are $4). It’s perfect for folks on a diet because it’s slimy, weird, and not delicious at all. Just like all other diet foods. Luckily, other tacos on the menus are actually good…. [Continue reading]

January 26, 2011 at 7:30 pm

Lately I’ve taken some pleasure in writing about personal shortcomings like how I tip terribly. It’s an on-going investigation really, as all good things in life are. Here’s a thought I have… standing at the Red Hook Ball Fields eating tacos or sitting down at a restaurant in Chinatown/Flushing… I wonder, “How many illegal immigrants are within one square mile of where I am right now?” Is it possible that every single Latino or Asian person around me either has a proper work/tourist visa, green card, or U.S. citizenship? And what does it say about me if I question these people around me? Who knows? The good news is that I don’t spend too much time thinking about it because the food usually provides such a great distration. A couple of weekends ago Steph and I went to get some tacos at the Red Hook Ball Fields and man… they were great. $3 dollars with tax included is a decent price. Sunset Park might still offer the best value, but for the ambiance and the summery setting of eating your tacos on the grass next to a soccer field… well, it’s worth it…. [Continue reading]

August 18, 2010 at 8:01 pm

One thing that’s nice about New York is that it’s possible to get restaurant-level desserts without going to a restaurant. Dominique Ansel… [more]

October 22, 2015 at 1:12 am

We went to check out the new-ish Whitney Museum by the Meatpacking District the other week. The weather was gorgeous and you could see the Freedom Tower… [more]

October 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm

The long goodbye is always the hardest. And while school happens and time passes, we still have to find ways to pass the time, and to fill our bellies…. [more]

October 9, 2015 at 1:03 am

At some point in my life, instead of going to the school that was a five minute bike ride away from my house, I got bussed into an inner city school… [more]

October 1, 2015 at 1:22 am

One of the benefits of marrying someone who is very different from me is that there are new food items to grow to love. Kouign Amann is a buttery pastry… [more]

September 30, 2015 at 1:54 am