
Food in Mouth

Shilla Review: Soon du bu lunch special at Shilla

Sometimes you don't know you have a good thing until it's gone. A few months ago, Shilla ran some ridiculous $4.99 lunch specials and I never bothered to go. Who knew it was only for a month?! I didn't! The update on Midtown Lunch kind of crushed my spirits. But Shilla restaurant ran another lunch special. This time it was $5.99 which is not as good but still insanely good. Here I'm going to reveal a little bit of my neurosis. It's actually a bit crushing and debilitating to tell you the truth, but sometimes I push through it. After seeing the $5.99 price, I walked past Shilla's to look for something else, something that looked as interesting. After seeing no better option, I walked back in the direction of Shilla's. Paused at the window. Stared at the price. Then I walked on again...