
Food in Mouth

Olive oil haiku

After two months of being a parent, I can say that it doesn't get any easier! The food blogging pretty much has stopped but it's nice to take...

Torrisi Italian Specialties Review: Torrisi Italian Specialties has awesome food

I'm still editing pictures from Seattle, which is why you're getting a picture of blue skies and the ocean. When the weather is nice up there in the Pacific Northwest, the outdoor stuff is pretty ridiculous. Meanwhile, let's talk about some awesome food that was consumed during the hell that was Steph and my apartment hunt. The lunch at Torrisi Italian Specialties is one of the best deals for a special lunch that you can get out there for lunch right now. When we went, it was $60 dollars. You might scoff at the notion of a $60 dollar lunch, but like I said, it's a good deal as a special lunch. I think diners often fall into this trap of, "For a special meal, it has to be at dinner." That's a silly notion at best. If anything, we all function better earlier in the...

Dinan France

After two months of being a parent, I can say that it doesn't get any easier! The food blogging pretty much has stopped but it's nice to take...

Craving meat on Sunday

After two months of being a parent, I can say that it doesn't get any easier! The food blogging pretty much has stopped but it's nice to take...

France and desserts from Sadaharu Aoki

That picture is from the Sunday when I was supposed to fly home a week ago. The volcano shut down CDG airport and all flights were canceled. I'm here to tell you that if you are traveling to Europe in the future, get yourself an European airline. Whatever you do, don't fly US Domestic unless you have status. And most of all, DO NOT FLY DELTA. Jesus christ. These people are a piece of work. So I go to the airport right? They tell me everything is on the website, go to the website. The problem was, I DID go on the website, and the website said absolutely nothing about the fact that they'll do anything about the canceled flight. My flight was supposed to be at 1pm and after 1pm, my itineray on was blank. Zero. Zilch. Nada. So basically they wanted to...

Kefi Review: Appetizers at Kefi and food truck news

Lately I've felt uninspired to write about food. Blogging in your spare time is like a hobby that feels like a job. No one likes a job. Sometimes I wonder if it's New York City though. Coming up on my 11th year in the five boroughs, some of it feels old. I'm the hairball that a cat is ready to spit out. Sometimes you plant yourself in a place for a long period of time, and it doesn't mean it'll always work out in the long term. Look at food trucks. NYTimes says they're getting shoo'ed out of Midtown. The Treats Truck had been in her spot for years, and still gets no respect. I think food truck owners are just reaping what they sowed. This whole time, they should have been lobbying for a more fair system - auctions of spot permits. But hey,...