
Food in Mouth

Macao Trading Co. Review: Brunch at Macao Trading Company

It's really great when someone takes a spin on a tradition, and makes it into something new that's also great. The main problem with food that want to just use ingredients in Asian cooking is that they emphasize it too much while using French or Western cooking techniques. Yea, you want to use some soy sauce or ginger. Great. Just don't make a big deal out of it, because if you do, people really try to focus on what you're trying to make and you're caught between "respecting" the old style and making something new and delicious. When I saw scallion pancakes with smoked salmon on the brunch menu at Macao Trading Company, I actually got really excited. I mean, you take two delicious things on their own, and put 'em together...

Golden Unicorn Review: Top reasons to not take a date to eat dim sum at Golden Unicorn

Last night I googled for some story and the third link on the result page was from the HuffPo. What was on that HuffPo page? A twenty-five word blurb about the story at NYTimes. On the result page, the NYTimes page for the story was the fifth link, two below the new AOL entity. I've heard that at HuffPo, since they get so much traffic, they can real-time test post titles and utilize a/b testing to figure out which one people click on more. Then the more popular one becomes the permanent one. And thus, useless page at HuffPo that just links to NYTimes, where the story was. It's depressing. I don't want to just talk about some good dim sum at Golden Unicorn. Nevermind that it's a solid place to go in NYC's Chinatown, even though all the food enthusiasts clamor for BK or...