
Food in Mouth

Chinese food and wine

After two months of being a parent, I can say that it doesn't get any easier! The food blogging pretty much has stopped but it's nice to take...

Eating leftovers and musings of a misogynist

Leftovers are a big part of my life. Usually they represent an opportunity for me to eat my roommates food that they don't want anymore. There have been many times when my roommate's like, "I won't be here this weekend, you should eat that." And there's been many times when my sister's like, "That's mine, don't touch it." And I eat it anyway. It's kind of a problem. I also found out this year that it's not a global phenomenon. The whole idea of a doggy bag? Doesn't exist in France. Good thing I live in New York! The leftovers you see in the picture is bibimbap from KTown. As far as I'm concerned, the variance of bibimbap deliciousness in NYC Ktown is pretty low. You could get nearly the same level of rice and root vegetable enjoyment no matter which place you go. The version...

Sitka & Spruce Review: Getting the right size and price

You ever do this thing where you enjoy a meal, think it's OK on the price, then later on when you think back, you realize they gave you an order of something in the larger size (more expensive). This probably doesn't happen to someone who's not a cheap Chink. In fact, I was happy with the meal at Sitka and Spruce in Seattle. The one thought I had which was incorrect was that they gave you a lot of food. What actually happened was I thought I ordered the appetizer portion and they gave the entree portion, and that's the real reason it felt like a lot of food. See I was going to rave about this place in Seattle that just won a James Beard Award for Best Chef Northwest. I can't even say it was shady, because I should have asked. But really...

White Bear Review: White Bear and the Flushing Mall

After posting about Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao last week, I just kinda got lazy about posting the rest of the Flushing things. So here we go and run through the whole list of stuff. After eating the soup dumplings, Steph and I google mapped our way to White Bear. It actually went like this: "Do you know where you're going?" "Not really. I think that says 'White Bear' in Chinese though. Out of the five characters I could read, those two seem to say 'White' and 'Bear.'" "Really? It's not because it says White Bear in English?" "Oh would ya look at that. Let's just eat. I'm hungry." After seeing these wontons in chili oil on Kathy's blog, I knew that had to be one of our orders. I used to eat these a lot as a kid. In my butchering of Mandarin, the dish sounds...

More seafood at lunch and Pointe du Grouin

Any time a city boy can wake up and chunk bread at willing sheep in the morning is a good morning. I mean that in the most literal sense. Steph's parents have (from what I can see) two sheep next door. They were just hanging around and we gave them some bread and they ate it pretty hastily. Also they got scared before and after we gave them the bread. Scardy cats. Anyway, we followed that up with a lunch at a seafood restaurant that sat on the beach at St. Malo, France. Steph had been here once before and told me about the large portions, so I tried to go with not-super-filling type of thing for appetizers. Oysters generally fall under that category. These were also oysters from Cancale, but obviously not as fresh as the one from the seafood/shellfish store we got for Xmas....