
Singapore posts on Food in Mouth

Singapore posts on Food in Mouth

Dear Blog,

It’s been too long! My bad for neglecting you for the better part of a month. You know how it goes, you get a homework assignment that only proves how ordinary and sub-par you might be, and poof, two weeks of free time disappears. During that time, I got really reacquainted with two of my old friends, self-doubt and loathing. They were feeling a bit alone, but it turns out they get better with age. Let’s talk more about food from vacation because it was a happier time. Seriously though, any time you get to eat sting ray in Singapore, it’s a good look…. [Continue reading]

September 30, 2013 at 7:55 pm

Tian Tian Chicken Rice is worth it. While you might fee like waiting in line while on vacation in Singapore might seem like a waste of time, it actually is a great use of your time. What is actually a waste of time is to eat random chicken rice unless you’re sure it’s certifiably good. I mean, with Bourdain’s mug right on their stall, Tian Tian had it going. The 30-minute line kind of proved that…. [Continue reading]

September 20, 2013 at 7:17 pm

As I continue to slog through the Singapore food posts, what really occupies a great deal of mind share for me lately are thoughts about work and how to get better. It seems to be a question without answers. Luckily, Netflix streaming keeps my mind busy and we blitzed through all the episodes in the first two seasons of Luther. Stringer Bell is a super man. A fantabulous meal that wifey and I had in Singapore was at a place called Warong Nasi Pariaman. My friend Ming suggested this place to me and he said it was an example of proper Indonesian food. Even though I’m not usually chasing Indonesian food, Singapore seemed as a good of a place as any to go for it…. [Continue reading]

September 16, 2013 at 8:19 pm

More Singapore posts! Hurray. Someone pointed out to me that I’m like ten days away from six years of irrelevancy on this blog. To think that one could waste as much time on food blogging as I have and have zero professional results to show for it is just a testament to how much I’m able to bang my head against a wall time and time again. And that’s why I’m doing vacation posts one at a time. My goal is to blog more about New York after Thanksgiving… Our first experience with kaya toast was at Killiney Kopitiam and we followed that up with some at Ya Kun Kaya Toast. What I realized was that kaya toast is like bagels. There’s good ones in a lot of places and you can never have too much…. [Continue reading]

September 12, 2013 at 6:39 pm

One of the snacks I had in Singapore was an oyster omelet. It’s an odd snack for some but it comes straight out of the book of low-carb dieters. Don’t want to feel full? Oyster omelet is just the thing for you. While my preference is for the kind I grew up with in Taiwan, basically any variation of this theme is generally good when executed in Asia. I’ve seen this dish twice interpreted twice in a western kitchen on some brunch menu. Both times it was an omelet that Bocuse would be happy about, and then the oysters were fried separately. Folks (all four of you), we all know that’s a fail. It was a delight to try the one in Maxwell Hawker Center in Singapore. You put the oyster in the omelet people, and you cook the living shit out of it. That’s how it’s done…. [Continue reading]

September 3, 2013 at 7:26 pm

One thing that’s nice about New York is that it’s possible to get restaurant-level desserts without going to a restaurant. Dominique Ansel… [more]

October 22, 2015 at 1:12 am

We went to check out the new-ish Whitney Museum by the Meatpacking District the other week. The weather was gorgeous and you could see the Freedom Tower… [more]

October 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm

The long goodbye is always the hardest. And while school happens and time passes, we still have to find ways to pass the time, and to fill our bellies…. [more]

October 9, 2015 at 1:03 am

At some point in my life, instead of going to the school that was a five minute bike ride away from my house, I got bussed into an inner city school… [more]

October 1, 2015 at 1:22 am

One of the benefits of marrying someone who is very different from me is that there are new food items to grow to love. Kouign Amann is a buttery pastry… [more]

September 30, 2015 at 1:54 am