Momofuku Saam Bar was the highly anticipated follow-up for chef David Chang. He has won James Beard awards and basically has become the darling chef of the New York. I was curious about the hype and visited in the day, when the lunch menu included the saam, which is basically an awesome Asian burrito. After consumption of said burrito, I could only agree with Midtown lunch, a branch of the saam bar would be great all over the city, especially in midtown.
For about $10 dollars, the Momofuku saam was not cheap by absolute measures. However, their burrito was probably one of the most unique burritos I have ever had. The ingredients list was as follows: rice, hoisin, edamame, roasted onions, kimchee puree, pickled shitake mushrooms, and pork. In addition to the uniqueness, the saam was also ginormous. (Yes, that's a real word). Given all the...