
Food in Mouth

Lily O'Brien hot chocolate and Zaiya cinnabon

Sometimes people see me take a picture of their food or their store, and they ask me, "Yo, what you be doing?" Usually I just tell them it's for personal use (and it is) and that I just like to take pictures of my food (also true) and that seems to please them. When I took a picture of the Lily O'Brien Chocolate store that just opened up by Bryant Park, an employee asked me if I was a journalist taking pictures for a publication. Since this doesn't count as a publication because you know, I'm just a blogger, I figured it's all good. He said something about how they gave NYTimes the permission to do photos and they can't let other publications do it first or whatever. Blah blah. See, when you're a blog, you don't have rules. I got myself a Lily O'Brien...

Gnocchi is a no go

I have a confession. It is not really a confession per se, as much as a restatement of the truth. See when you start to do something with frequency, those around you tend to mistake that love for expertise. An example would be that I like to play basketball, but my skills are only useful when I play with Asians shorter than me or the girls basketball team (oh no he didn't! oh yes i did!). Playing often does not make me a good basketball player. Another example would be that I eat out often, but that does not mean I know where to go find the best (insert here) or that I have smart taste buds. BTW, still cannot tell Milo from Ovaltine in a blind taste test, but I am drinking about one per week to keep my senses sharp. The last example...

Bouchon Bakery Review: Chocolate thingy from Bouchon

Part of me wants to really just take this blog in a new direction. I want to make it more personal and focus less on food. It might seem humorous to some of you that a food blog could get any less about food than this particular one. By any definition, I live a good life. My apartment has electricity and heat. It's got cable TV. I can spend free time watching NBA playoffs. Spending a little money on food for the blog isn't outside of my budget. And especially compared with living standards of all the six and a half billion people, I, like most folks in the U.S., have it good. There's a part of me that wonders about if there is better though. This blog has probably gone as far as it could under the current structure. To make it better I...

Big Mac

There's a lot of things that we can get today that we couldn't get fifty years ago. Technology has gone a long way to improve our way of life. Seriously, what would you do if you couldn't groupon and foursquare your way through the week? Obvious catastrophe would ensue. And really, there's not a damn thing that I really want from fifty years ago to replace with what we have today. For example, women's attire. I mean, is any dude gonna be like "damn yo, I wish all women on the sidewalks in NYC dressed like it was 1955." Right? And that's not to mention going to the beach. The women's bikini of 2010 certainly is an improvement on what was out there fifty years ago, if you know what I'm sayin'! Food is perceived differently though. Sure, I can get some apples from half...