
Food in Mouth

Real life cookie monster

There it was, beautifully glistening in the sun light, and it whispered to me. Normally cookies resting on park benches don't whisper, but my brain does weird things when it needs sugar. No one else was around and I sat next to the abandoned cookie to wait a bit, maybe the owner would come back for it. It was perfect and round and most importantly, it looked clean. Who knows how long it was left there, but I didn't care. My eyes don't lie. And if it looks OK to eat, that means it IS OK to eat. That's my college education talking right there. Most of my friends know that I'll eat just about anything. There was that one time working at NYU, when my friend and I walked into a conference room after a party, and I picked something out of the trash can....

The Island of Taiwan Restaurant Review: Island of Taiwan restaurant

Sometimes the dissonance between my blogging self and my real life self reverberates and echoes so loudly and far, that I feel very much like a poser. It's difficult to really express about food in real life the way one could if one has pictures and time to put thoughts together. I suppose that's the genius of someone like Anthony Bourdain, who can do it on TV, and consistently deliver week after week. Most of the time, the enjoyment occurs silently and the message conveyed to others is muted. Even though the world we occupy is more about the gradients than the black-n-whites, it's easier for me to divide the world in one big stroke for the sake of this blog. I think the world is divided into three camps of eaters. One is the Giadas. This is named after Giada from the food network....