
Food in Mouth

Tu Do Review: Pho and bo bia and google

Do you ever order that thing on the menu that you just have no idea what it is? There is great comfort and joy to eat an expertly roasted chicken with crisp skin and juicy meat. Conversely, it's exciting to order the dish that you've never experienced, and let your taste buds experience something new. But if you're one of those people with internet on your phone, then you can totally look up everything on a translated menu. Recently I visited a Vietnamese restaurant on Bowery Street and they had specials listed on the table. They were translated phonetically without any English descriptions of the dish itself. I asked the server what all of the items were, but he spoke so fast and I couldn't understand shit. So I turned to google. The one item that intrigued me was the 'bo bia' because it was priced...

El Quinto Pino Review: Breakfast items from El Quinto Pino

I feel like when it comes to food blog writing, there's only a few major camps you can fall into. You could be the straight forward info supplier. Very useful, and highly visible when you're already successful. Then there are the comedic writers, who're able to conjure a laugh by slinging words. That's probably the toughest. Or you could be a memoir-ish type of writer, where every recipe reminds you of cooking with mom or grandma, and aromas invoke something out of Lifetime Original Television. Not really capable of any one of those three methods, I'll just say that arranging for new living quarters with just two weeks is kinda tough...